Mental Health Issues In Men Mens Health Movember
Mental Health Issues In Men | Mens Health Movember. In honor of movember, a month that is known to raise awareness of mens health, I am making one video every Monday to raise awareness about various mens health issues. This is not meant to be medical advice, the goal is to raise awareness about various health issues in hopes to encourage others to have a conversation with their primary care provider. With that being said, let’s get on with today’s video which is going to be about mental health.
Again, this is going to highlight general information about this condition, this is not going to be comprehensive. If you want further information, I encourage you to speak to your primary care provider i.e nurse practitioner or family physician.
Why did I choose to speak about mental health issues in men. According to The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health one in five canadians experience a mental illness or an addiction problem. They also report that by the age of 40 one in two people have or had a mental illness. This is a remarkable statistic and just goes to show how common it is. As a result of its prevalence in our society, I think it is important to speak about this issue and raise awareness about it in hopes to encourage other men to get the help and support they need and not be ashamed.
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