Blog Post

My BEST advice for NEW NURSES

The Best Advice for Nursing School for Nursing Students | Nursing School Tips. In this video I will tell you the best way to be successful in nursing school as a nursing school student. These are things that I wish I had known going into nursing school and if I figured this out much earlier […]

Blog Post

Nursing Pet Peeves in 2021

Nursing Pet Peeves in 2021. Nursing tasks that grind my gears. Being a registered nurse in the emergency department, these things are extremely irritating to deal with!   Don’t get me wrong, I love being a nurse, but these are some things that drive me insane! The first thing that is incredibly annoying is putting […]

Blog Post

Hardships of being registered nurse in 2021

  Being a nurse is not easy, this is can’t be stated enough especially considering what has gone on in the world in the past 12 months. While I have made videos in the past talking about how you should become a nurse and how amazing it is, there are some things that you may […]

Blog Post

Hardships of being registered nurse in 2021

Being a nurse is not easy, this is can’t be stated enough especially considering what has gone on in the world in the past 12 months. While I have made videos in the past talking about how you should become a nurse and how amazing it is, there are some things that you may want […]

Blog Post

Why you should be a Registered Nurse in 2021

3 Reasons to be a Registered Nurse in 2021. Being a registered nurse in 2021 can seem like a wrong choice, but here are 3 reasons why I think you should be a nurse RN in 2021. In this video I will talk about 3 Reasons to be a Registered Nurse in 2021. Being a […]